“World War I; Secret Treaty of London and Albania”

In the framework of the 103rd Anniversary of the Secret Treaty of London, the National Historical Museum organized “One afternoon in the Museum!” The topic was called: “World War I; Secret Treaty of London and Albania “. The referrers were Prof.As.Dr. Ledia Dushku, Head of Department at the Institute of History, at the Academy of Albanological Studies. On behalf of Dr. Dorian Koçi (director of the National Historical Museum), the event was welcomed by Mr. Ledio Xhoxhi. (Head of Collection Management Sector)

Prof. Ledia Dushku emphasized that the rivalry between the Great Powers had reached its peak in 1914, leading their resources to war industry. The focal point of World War I was the conflict between England and Germany, which lasted due to their rivalry. Strategic tasks took precedence over ideological affiliations, in determining relationships between the Great Powers. Wilhelm II and Emperor Franc Joseph I were deeply conservative and well opposed democracy. They had one thing in common: love for autocracy and hatred for parliament. However, Russia became an ally of France and Great Britain. Russia’s need to control straits was directly in line with Germany’s intentions of mastering the Ottoman Empire. The Balkans was an important battle front for both blocs. This peninsula gave the ultimate outcome to the First World War. Italy initially held a non-partisan role. Austro-Hungary’s goal was to seduce the latter with territories. But, Italy had secretly discussed with the Triple Alliance, which had offered more. The Secret Treaty of London was a bid. In this offer, England and France persuaded Italy to go to war on their side. The Treaty was signed on 26th of April 1915 and contained 16 articles. Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 had to do with the Albanian issue. After that, Italy declared war on Austro-Hungary.

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