The role of museums in modern society”, an international scientific conference. Melsi Labi: “It is time to promote the National Centre of Museology”

In the context of the 35th anniversary of the inauguration of the National Historical Museum it was organized an international scientific conference on the theme: “The role of museums in modern society.” The conference brought together specialists across the country in the field of museology. During the conference they discussed the role of the National Historical Museum and various museums on the needs and challenges facing these institutions today and the establishment of a sustainable national network of museology. The Conference was welcomed by Vice / Minister of Culture Mr. Zef Cuni and vice/ Mayor of Tirana Mr. Abaz Hado. Director of the National Historical Museum, Ph.D.C. Melsi Labi, opened the scientific conference with this statement: “The role of museums in modern society.” In his speech Mr. Labi said that the preparations within the 35th anniversary of the inauguration of National Historical Museum began earlier. “Specifically, the Antiquity pavilion has changed its appearance by placing captions and contemporary lighting. The halls of the pavilions are also painted according to international standards. We have placed contemporary and high quality captions in the Iconography pavilion and also added the iconostasis of St. John Vladimir. We are working intensively to prepare a special corner in the Museum in honor of the artist Tefta Tashko Koco. In the context of the 35th anniversary “The Guidebook of National Historical Museum” is published in both Albanian and English languages”, said in his press release, Mr. Labi.

Later the director of National Historical Museum, starting from recent problems and concerns, said he had the impression that the Albanian museology system needs a comprehensive restructuring. It is the right time for radical changes in this direction. “It’s time to promote the National Centre of Museology, which will serve as a regulator of this entire system in Albania. This center nationwide must have a legal status similar to that of scientific institutions. Its primary goal will be the publication of the “Museological Studies” journal, which after a break, has revived with two other editons (4th  and 5th) in 2014- 2015. The 6th editon will be published very soon and will include this scientific conference too. National Centre of Museology will collaborate with various museums, such as in: Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Arberesh community in Italy, Arvanitas in Greece etc, in order to promote our culture nationwide.

“The primary task of the National Centre of Museology will be the inventory and digitization of museum objects and collaboration with Interpol, to prevent their trafficking abroad. This cooperation will include the location of trafficked objects and taking them back”, said in his speech Mr. Labi. But according to him the necessity of creation of the National Center of Museology gives a practical and legal solution, being considered as a genuine scientific issue. Mr. Labi mentioned that the primary goal of this centre will be the restructuring of the Albanian museum system. This system is linked to tourism, and should respond to the demands of the time, in terms of globalization and an open society.

Later the conference continued with other intellectuals as well.  Dr. Arsim Sinani, President of the Center for International Relations and Balkan Studies, professor at Pristina University, lectured on the theme: “The State of the Albanian culture in Macedonia-the loss of values in our cultural heritage, the challenge for their conservation.”

Ph.D. Esmeralda Agolli, Prof. Ass. Dr. Frederik Stamati, Ph. D. Etleva Bushati  and others were part of this conference too. In the end Prof. Dr. Luan Përzhita lectured on the theme “The archaeological heritage and museology in Albania”.

While closing, Mr. Labi distributed gratitude certificates to all who have given their contribution  to the National Historical Museum. He also donated the first copies of “The Guidebook of the National Historical Museum”.

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