The management of cultural heritage, required concrete implementation models.

The new vision in cultural unification with Europe was the main goal of a workshop that the National Historical Museum developed in UNESCO hall, in collaboration with the University of Macerata, the Institute of Archaeology, the Marche Region and the Italian Institute of Culture. The theme for this workshop was “The Adriatic project between Italy and Albania for the management of cultural heritage system”. The goal of this event was to bring together the different experiences, the Albanian and Italian ones, in the issues of management and evaluation of cultural heritage, in order to identify joint projects.

The Conference was welcomed by the Minister of Culture Mirela Kumbaro, which analyzed the current state of cultural heritage. According to Mrs. Kumbaro, the revaluation of cultural heritage, forgotten until now, would serve not only as a revitalization of cultural and social life throughout the territory, but also as a basis of cross-border and interregional cultural cooperation.

The Ambassador of Italy Alberto Cutillo considers that the Adriatic project will serve a mission of Albania to join the European Union. Among other things he said: “It is a pleasure to introduce this activity a week later the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated the archaeological discoveries realized in Albania on cooperation between the Albanian and Italian archaeologists, presenting our mission as a mission to work beyond simple scientific researches”.

The project presented by the director of the National Historical Museum, Mr. Melsi Labi was tiled “The Albanian museums system towards their networking project”. Among other things he said: “Starting from the recently concerns and problems, we have convinced that the Albanian museum system needs restructuring, so I think it is the appropriate time for radical changes in this direction. This requires promoting the National Centre of Museology, which would serve as a regulator of the Albanian Museology System”. Mr. Melsi Labi also said that the necessity to create the National Centre of Museology provides legal and practical solutions, being considered as a genuine scientific issue. The museum system is connected to tourism, and should respond to the requests of the time, in terms of globalization as an open society”, he concluded.

The Italian scholar Roberto Perna observed that should continue in the scientific academic research with cooperation of both Italian and Albanian archaeologists.

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