“I do not think Albania would have a better identity in the world rather than Scanderbeg’s virtuous work” said Dr. Dorian Koçi.
“Skanderbeg in the Nordic countries” was promoted in the National Historical Museum and has joined together two well-known authors, Xhevat Lloshi and John Quanrud. Published in the framework of the Nationwide Year of George Castriot Skanderbeg, this book presents new perspectives about our National Hero.
Dr. Koçi welcomed the authors of the book and the attendees by saying that: “This book has been missing for a long time. All knowledge about the current figure of Skanderbeg is already summarized in one single edition, collected by Lloshi and Quanrud. We also have the studies of John Quanrud (2018) “Albanoi and Latino in the History of Mihail Ataliat”; Rolf Kodderitzsch and Torsten Meissner (1990) “Albania in the Literary Prose of the Nordic Year”; Xhevat Lloshi (2005) “Skanderbeg according to Holberg’s pen”; Ludwig Holberg (1739) “George Castriot-Skanderbeg, the greatest leader and hero in history”; Sir William Craigie (1949) “The Romantic Poetry of Iceland”; Finnbogi Gudhmundsson (1985) “Skanderbeg on Icelandic Resources” and M.J. Driscoll (2007) “Skanderbeg: An Albanian hero with Icelandic attire”. Through the figure of Skanderbeg, this study brings us much closer with the Scandinavian countries. “
Prof. Sadik Bejko said: “The book provides data on the history, geography, language and literature of Nordic countries and examines documentary evidence of the occurrence of early contacts between Albanians and Scandinavians, long before Skanderbeg’s era “.
Dr. John Quanrud would say that: “It is a great privilege to be in Tirana during jubilee year of Skanderbeg and such a pleasure to introduce “Skanderbeg in the Nordic countries” among you all. George Castriot Scanderbeg is an international phenomenon and I hope that this book will pave the way for other serious studies about this amazing figure. We are living an ideal time for historical studies in Albania and I am very confident that future historians will deepen more in their scientific studies about Scanderbeg”
“This book marks a great success in our studies on Skanderbeg. It opens the way for more in-depth work on this subject, “concluded the author of the book Prof. Xhevat Lloshi.