Skanderbeg at the National Historical Museum.

 Albania’s National Hero’s figure was presented quite rationally and ultimately separated from mythicism and the viewpoint as a literary character. This was made possible by Virgjil Kule. In his study work “Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg – The Last Crusader”, the author had to undergo a longevous hard work based on an avant-garde method of scientific research, to increase the historical identity of Gjergj Kastrioti, presenting a man away from the legend and completely rational.

The event, in which all this happened, is called “The Reading Club in Museum”.

This title is the logo of a periodic weekly activities being held at the National Historical Museum, which also supports the national reading campaign “Lets Meet for a Book” initiated by the Ministry of Culture.

The meeting with Virgjil Kule was of great interest and participation. The honored guests were the Director of National Historical Museum Dr. Dorian Koci, the writer and scholar Dr. Ermir Nika, who also represented the Ministry of Culture.

In his speech Dr. Koçi praised Kule’s study work and also added that “The Last Crusader” is presented to the public on the occasion of Skanderbeg’s Year.

The author, Virgjil Kule, added that the book contains 25 chapters, in the form of a man’s life diary, based at least on 1000 serious documents, some of which are extracted from the Vatican archives.

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