“Rescued Treasures”, at the National Historical Museum were exhibited 62 iconographic unknown objects.

In National Historical Museum was opened the ornamental iconographic exhibition “Rescued Treasures”. The event took place within the September 29th, “National Cultural Heritage Day”. The exhibition was held with the custody of the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the National Historical Museum and the National Center of the Cultural Property Inventory. Its aim was to raise public awareness on the importance of preserving cultural heritage treasures.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition participated the Minister of Culture Mrs. Mirela Kumbaro, which appreciated the work done by the specialists. In particular, she thanked the director of the Historical Museum Mr. Melsi Labi, director of the National Center of the Cultural Property Inventory Mrs. Silva Breshani and without forgetting, Specialist Suzana Varvarica.

In her speech Mrs. Kumbaro also clarified: “The collection of artworks is a value to our nation and we are doing a special treatment for 476 seized icons which are a cultural property. As such it’s a management case and from our part the National Heritage Day is being done with more care. In this context, we will make the restoration of cultural artworks across the country. This is another achievement of this team that makes all nation proud and show people how to maintain these values. It is one of the largest collections in the world, with modern conditions.

A special thanks for the justice and police authorities who have been our closest associates and made possible the rescue of this treasure, that is reason why we are calling this exhibition Rescued Treasures “.

In the ornamental and iconographic exhibition “Rescued Treasures” are displayed icons and parts of the iconostasis, which are brutally torn from the churches of southern Albania. Parts of the iconostasis that are exposed are robbed from “Birth of St. Mary” church in Tranosisht, in Lunxheria, “St. Athanasius” church in Voskopoja, “St. Nicholas” church in Saraqinisht (Lunxheria) and “Dormition of Theotokos” church in Goranxi etc.

Later, the director of the National Historical Museum, Mr. Melsi Labi said: “Churches declared cultural monuments have often fallen prey to thefts and robberies of irresponsible people. Thieves dismantle or pull violently the beautiful entries (the doors), part of amvon, part of the iconostasis, part of despotic thrones, mounted icons through the iconostasis of these monument churches and sell them in the black market or to different artwork collectors. Over the past years they are robbed and damaged many churches declared as a cultural monument.

These treasures of our cultural heritage were inherited from our ancestors, so it’s our duty to protect and preserve them. This is the message that the ornamental iconographic exhibition conveys today: the awareness of the younger generation on the importance of preserving cultural heritage treasures. ”

The captions of the exhibition have been realized, based on the catalog compiled by the committee of experts of cultural heritage, who after a full year’s hard work could perform professionally the registration, cataloging and the records of 476 iconographic and decorative objects, seized three years ago. The specialists have selected 62 objects, of which there are 27 icons, 14 iconostasis parts, and 4 iconostasis crosses.

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