This activity managed to establish a collaboration with high school and university students, bringing museum objects closer to them. Today’s lecture discussed the trade exchange, which had an important role in the life of the Illyrian tribes. The rapid social and economic development of Illyrian society is represented by coins, which differed from material, weight, legends, symbols and their values. Extensive economic participation by the Illyrians confirms that Illyria’s economic development had entered a new path where livestock did not form the exclusive unit of calculation in trade relations. Economic well-being allowed that important Illyrian centers such as Dyrrah and Apollonia to open up monetary units for cutting autonomous currencies. Besides Dyrrah and Apollonia, other Illyrian cities such as; Amantia, Bylis, Olympe, Orik, Skodra etc did the same thing. By raising autonomous manufactories, the Illyrian states and cities, already relying on a sound economic base, strengthened and improved not only their domestic state organization but also provided themselves with a more independent economic and political position. The purpose of the lecture was indicating Illyrian coins, its location and symbols used in them. They represent the most visible parts of the people’s life, such as naval ability (lyburn ships), warlike character (shield and helmet), or farming and livestock as one of the country’s main economic resources (symbolized by goats, wheat, bees, etc.)