This is a very special day for this Museum. 35 years ago, this building was inaugurated. To commemorate such a jubilee date, a series of activities took place. Initially, National Historical Museum started “Retro” exhibition, with sketches and other artworks which constituted the initial phase of the project that was materialized with the establishment of a magnificent building. Known and previously unknown sketches, came out from Museum’s fund. In them were reflected the foundations of a voluminous work. The exhibition included monitors that showed movie sequences from the construction of this giant building, in the center of Tirana.
Mr. Labi, the Director of the National Historical Museum, after presenting a summary of all the work done in this institution over the years, said: “National Historical Museum aims to promote to the local public the understanding and appreciation of the history of Albania. It also seeks to encourage dialogue between citizens about the past, present and future of our country. For this purpose, it preserves and studies the material and immaterial evidences of historical and cultural heritage of Albania, which communicates and presents them in an environment that promotes education. It organizes and facilitates activities that support its vision and mission”.
Mr. Myslym Islami, former director of the institution, said: “This museum is the history and culture of Albanian people. It is our reflection. For this reason the construction of this giant building has been of great importance. Therefore we must preserve it from disappearing. ”
National Historical Museum was inaugurated on October 28th, 1981. The building is based on the model of monumental architecture. Architectural solution of the building and other facilities express its function as a museological and ideological important center. With white marble on exterior front, the National Historical Museum forms a harmonious architectural ensemble with “Tirana International” hotel and Great Palace of Culture.
The building of the museum comes entirely solid, with a simple monumental architecture. The operating group, which operated on the project, consisted of architects: Sokrat Mosko, Enver Faja, Nina Shehu and Petraq Kolevica. The prehistoric pavilion was designed by Nina Shehu, the Medieval one, by Enver Faja and that of socialism by Petraq Kolevica. Each pavilion has a unique architecture exposure, avoiding monotony and repetition.
National Historical Museum occupies a total area of 27,000 m2; It has an exhibition area of 9,000 m2 and a total volume of 81,000 m3. In the museum there are about 6,200 objects, which belong to a relatively long period of time, ranging from IV millennium BC until the second half of XX century. At the front of National Historical Museum is a mosaic measuring 37 x 11 m. The mosaic consists of 13 figurines approximately 10 m high and covers an area of 400 m2. The Mosaic is called “Albania”. It was conducted by Vilson Kilica, Met Deliu, Agim Nabi, Josif Drobroniku , Alexander Filipi etc.
Currently, the National Historical Museum has seven pavilions: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Iconography, National Renaissance, Independence, National Antifascist Liberation War and Communist Persecution. Albanian ethno culture is under construction. National Historical Museum staff consists of 50 specialists from various fields.