This exhibition was inaugurated on 20th of April 2018. (6pm, Sudu Palace in Bucharest) The honorary friends, present at the opening ceremony, were the director of the National Historical Museum, Dr. Dorian Koçi, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Romania, Ilir Tepelena, Bucharest Museum Director, Prof. dr. Dr. Adrian Majuru, as well as many other well known personalities from the Bucharest Municipality and Romanian art and culture. A special guest was Arlinda Morava, the Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Romania. She performed “Parfum de primăvară”, along with the Bucharest Ladies Quintet.
The first photo dates back to 1920, 98 years ago, during the Congress of Lushnja, when Tirana was declared the capital of Albania. In the framework of reciprocal exchanges, the National Historical Museum and the Bucharest Museum have organized “Hello, my name is Tirana”. Shortly, it can be said that the exhibition aims at presenting the cultural anthropology and historical memory of Tirana.
“Hello, my name is Tirana” is considered an extraordinary exhibition. Through a panorama of 40 images, introduces the history of a capital. Today, this exhibition gives more value to the citizens of Bucharest. The Romanian audience will have the opportunity to recognize different aspects of Tirana’s development through images, not only infrastructure and urban development, but also the ethno-cultural side of a people.