The National Youth Network in Albania (ANYN), the nation’s leading youth network nationwide, in cooperation with Child and Youth Policy Hub Albania and the National Student Alliance – AKS, organised today, at the Main Hall of the National Historical Museum, the First National Youth Summit in Albania: New Perspectives for Participation and Empowerment of Young People!
The main purpose of this summit was to engage in youth dialogue, government, institutions and central and local government to find practical solutions that improve addressing the greatest challenges for young people in the country. The event was organised within the framework of the European Youth Week 2019, organized by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, in close partnership with the European Parliament.
The guests of honor at this summit were:
Mrs. Elva Margariti- Minister of Culture
Mrs. Vasilika Hysi- Albanian Parlament (vice-chairman)
Mr. Brian J. Williams – UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative
Mr. Knut Fleckenstein (Video message) – Member and Raporter for Albania in the European Parliament.
The moderator of this event was Mr. Altin Hazizaj.
Minister Margariti started her greeting speech with a quote from Konitza:
“A people unable to affirm their vitality, is in a downhill inevitable road.”
“One of the most controversial figures in the history of Albanian leterature and diplomacy, illuminates us today with a wise advice: to affirm the vitality of our people. And this is found, undoubtedly at the new generation. This summit itself proves this fact. The problems faced by young people are many and real. They need an immediate solution.
In recent years, the Ministry of Culture has designed such policies that target the Albania of the future. I remind you “Education through Culture” initiative, which aims at the new generation, orienting it towards culture and art. We strongly believe that where there is culture and education, there is less criminality, more security and development. We must educate ourselves in what’s the beauty of being Albanian in this great Europe…”, concluded the Minister of Culture, Mrs. Elva Margariti.