“Toena” Publishing House in collaboration with National Historical Museum organized the promotion of the novel “The Spider of Sarajevo”, by the British writer Robert Wilton. Mr. Wilton honored us with his presence, accompanied by Mrs. Diana Çuli, the interpreter of the novel. Journalist Arta Marku moderated this event.
An important reference was held by the Director of National Historical Museum, Mr. Dorian Koçi. According to him, the works that combine genuine historical documentation and literary creativity such as “The Spider of Sarajevo” are extremely rare.
“An integrative title, especially mentioning Sarajevo, leads us all to recall the beginning of the Great War in Europe. As a known fact, this war changed once and for all not only the fate of political powers, three Empires were disintegrated, but also the conception about war and peace in Europe. In this context, the novel is a testimony and confession of Europe before the Great War stuck with the anxiety of megalomania and the fear of the Others”, said Mr. Koci.
The novel refers to Europe in 1914. Through history written in it, the author makes us experience Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Europe of that time. At the end of his speech, Director Koci, said: “The shot of a gun who took the life Franc Ferdinand and his wife, Princess Sofi, on the morning of June 28th, 1914 in Sarajevo, it was not just a gunshot of a Serbian terrorist that was looking to make his nationalist dream come true, but also the shot marking the end of the illusions of an Europe that for hundred years claimed to live in peace. The novel ends precisely with this assassination, clearly reflecting the era and the disappointments that all parties would follow to put justice in place. ”