The National Historical Museum welcomes Mrs. Linda Norris- an American expert in Museology.

Mrs. Linda Norris, along with the staff selected by the Ministry of Culture, visited the National Historical Museum. She had a meeting with the director of this institution, Dr. Dorian Koçi. Among others, they talked about the audience growth and redesigning the museum. Mrs. Norris visited the Museum’s Pavilions, where she learned more about our chronological history and the way objects were placed and exhibited. Later, she also held a seminar on how to involve the community and public in the museum.

This visit was organized with the initiative of Mrs. Mirela Kumbaro (Minister of Culture). It has to do with the new National Historical Museum’s platform, in accordance with the objectives of the Ministry of Culture, in the field of improving the museum’s infrastructure in Tirana.

The Ministry of Culture, during 2017-2021, has a list of priorities and investments in the field of heritage and culture that starts with drafting of implementation projects for “Restoration, reconstruction and reformulation of the National Historical Museum, in Tirana” and “Restoration, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the National Museum of Fine Arts, in Tirana”. Currently, Linda Norris is the Director of the Global Networking Program for the International Coalition of Memories, a network of historic sites, museums, and memory initiatives that link past efforts to today’s human rights and social justice movements. As an independent museum professional for over twenty years, she facilitated discussions and the action on how creativity can transform museums, shape more confident stories, and create more profound and inclusive community links.​

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