Old Albanian Instruments in our Museum.

“While someone played the harp for ancient heroes, the lute for medieval ones, such musical instruments are part of this exhibition.” -Dr. Dorian Koci added in his greeting speech.
“Between Centuries” is titled the exhibition of 19th-20th century musical instruments collection used in our territory. All instruments are part of Ermal Sela’s private collection. It contains over 170 folk music instruments, showing through them a nation’s musical history. It contained membranophone, idiophone, cordophones and aerophones. Many such instruments are rare and out of use.

Dr. Dorian Koci said that one of Museum’s missions was precisely the exposure of our cultural heritage, which allows many visitors to recognize more closely the values of handicrafts, in this case of musical instruments.

The author of this exhibition, Mr. Ermal Sela, after expressing his deeper gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and National Historical Museum, said that this event was only the beginning of his long journey. This exhibition was only the starting point of something bigger. He has been assembling these musical instruments for seven years.Later, two musicians performed with musical instruments produced by their own hands, part of this collection.​23456306_1733962493333183_415925302552138293_o 23472836_1733962629999836_9102497911127536712_n 23511137_1733962759999823_5918503147102938823_o 23415360_1733962286666537_5332492022635541938_o 23434842_1733962393333193_9068917763242885201_n


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