On his birth anniversary, Luigj Gurakuqi was commemorated at the National Historical Museum’s library. “An evening in the Museum!” (directed by the Collection Management Sector-National Historical Museum), organized the event “Luigj Gurakuqi’s Contribution to the Albanian National Cause!” The referrers were; Dr. Dorian Koci (Director of the National Historical Museum), Ms. Elmira Gjonaj (History Teacher at Sami Frashëri High School in Tirana) and Mr. Stefan Tetollari (Specialist- National Historical Museum).
In his speech Dr. Dorian Koçi said that Luigj Gurakuqi is one of the Renaissance ideologists in Albania, who pioneered new national political and cultural ideas. Further Dr. Koçi made a broad description of the conditions in which enlightenment and national awareness began and also a summary of Gurakuqi’s contribution to the Albanian National Cause.
Afterwards, Mrs. Ellira Gjonaj emphasized that Luigj Gurakuqi is one of the most important founders and figures of our historical memory. As a prominent Albanian diplomat, he represented and defended with high dignity the interest of the Albanian people in major European political centers, such as: Rome, Vienna, Paris, London, Peace Conference (Paris1919) and the UN League in Geneva (1924). A great appreciation was made by the municipality of Pulia. The square, where our hero was killed in Bari, was named after Luigj Gurakuqi. The University of Bari published a summary work of studies from Albanian and Italian scholars, dedicated to Gurakuqi. Before the 1990s, the remains of Luigj Gurakuqi were brought to Albania and were settled in the cemetery of Shkodra (1957). He was honored with high titles such as, “People’s Hero” and “Teacher of the People”.
Mr. Stefan Tetollari said that in Ismail Qemali’s cabinet, Luigj Gurakuqi was elected Minister of Education. With his initiative, the Ministry of Education established a commission which would deal with the Albanian terminology design for various branches of administration, education and other areas of life. In November 1913, a scientific center was established. Its task was studying our language and creating school textbooks in albanian. During his role as Minister, later in Fan Noli’s Cabinet, Stavro Vinjahu would write that “as Minister of Finances, Gurakuqi performed miracles; He found 4 million unpaid gold francs and with his excellent stewardship he managed to end the new budget with a surplus of 1,000,000 francs and to pay off all past debts.”