Josif Bageri, the last of the Renaissance

A great artist like director Kujtim Gjonaj, assisted by two great scriptwriters Miradie Maliqi and Anxhelina Xharra, could easily be considered as one of the greatest figures of the National Renaissance. There is already a documentary film for the life and work of Josif Bageri born in Reka e Epërme. His works have been unraveled but it is up to the researchers to go deeper with the research.

“Josif Bageri, the last of the Renaissance ” premiered for the public in the UNESCO Hall of the National Historical Museum after the production team was introduced. “This is an Albanian made movie” said director Kujtim Gjonaj, announcing that the documentary was made possible thanks to the funding from the Film Agency of the Republic of Macedonia and the National Center for Cinematography in Albania.

“It is an honor for the National Historical Museum as the largest national memory house, to co-operate in revealing such an important figure of the National Renaissance like Josif Bageri and his messages,” said in his opening speech the Director of the National Historical Museum, Dr. Dorian Koçi. Speaking about Bageri’s patriotic activity, Dr. Koçi emphasized: “For the first time through his memoirs we have documentation of the opening of the Albanian school in his native village Nistrovë (Dibër), which is today’s Macedonia where he urged the compatriots to bring them children to learn to write and read in Albanian. Belonging to the Orthodox faith, Reka e Epërme’s population remains the only known case that has been able to maintain its religious identity at the same time through a prominent representative such as Josif Bageri.” One of the co-scriptwriters Miradije Maliqi also praised Josif Bageri’s figure, the man who gave so much to national conscience.
Then the audience attended the documentary film “Josif Bageri, the last of the Renaissance “.

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