The National Historical Museum was pleased to welcome “FIRST AID – HEFA” project. It is a project of cultural heritage, which focuses on the establishment of human infrastructure and a restoration laboratory, which will treat the archaeological heritage discovered over the years from various expeditions.
This event was organized by the Italian Embassy in Tirana, the Italian Institute of Culture, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, the Italian Trade Agency, the Institute of Archeology and the National Historical Museum.
This workshop was welcomed by Dr. Dorian Koçi, who said that: “All the cultural heritage objects displayed in the National Historical Museum are well treated before their exposure. A part of them belong to the treatment methods of 1981. Current restorations are carried out according to contemporary methods. The new lab and the preparation of museum specialists, which will simultaneously serve as an asset, will provide not only the ongoing needs of existing objects, but also the material values that will be revealed in the future. The lab will become a reference point for new initiatives carried out by local cultural heritage professionals. This approach will transform our museums. The visitors will find our facilities more attractive and tempting and as a result, this will bring tremendous growth to tourism, as one of the main sectors of our economy.
Mr. Ledion Lako (Director of the General Directorate of Policies and Culture Development at the Ministry of Culture) noted: “It is an honor for me to discuss with you on this project which I consider to be very important for the preservation of our cultural assets. The history of our country must be closely linked to its historical past. This attentiveness should be emphasized even more this year, which is thoroughly dedicated to Skanderbeg, our National Hero. Our national identification is invisible without our historical and cultural identity. Without it, Albanians remain orphans and void, without memory. “