An International Conference “World War I – Albanians, the Balkans, Europe” was inaugurated at National Historical Museum.

The First World War has been at the center of scientific discussion of an international conference was held in the UNECSO hall at National Historical Museum. International Conference “The First World War – Albanians, the Balkans, Europe” was organized by the Faculty of History and Philology in cooperation with the University of Gjirokastra and National Historical Museum. Many scholars from Kosovo were an integral part of this activity.

The Conference was opened by Dean of the Faculty of History Mrs. Valentina Duka and Prof.Dr. Shezai Rrokaj. Director of National Historical Museum Mr. Melsi Labi, during his speech said that the doors of this institution will always be open to people of art, science and history. “I turn to students that will lead the future to put a stone on the science of history”, said concluding his speech Mr. Labi.

The lectures prepared for this conference intended to shed light on the political, economic and social conditions of Albania in the First World War, while the Department of Linguistics was focused on the Albanian Literary Commission in Shkodra as the first scientific institution program in Albania. 46 papers prepared on this occasion were read in two days, on December 6th and 7th 2016.

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