On October 23ed, 2018, on the second day of the exhibition, which with the variety of books, with its titles and rich theme, urged the organization of a scientific conference. It is a very fruitful collaboration between the National Historical Museum and collector, Ylli Sula. An important part of this collection and books will be digitized and will be donated to the National Library. In this way scholars of various disciplines, scientific and historical, will have the opportunity to use them in their studies.
The scientific conference contained the following presentations:
Aurel Plasari, “Skanderbeg in the affection of a bibliophile”
Xhevat Lloshi, “The Surprising Depository of a Rare Collection”
Skender Blakaj, “The Albanian contribution of Pope Albani”
Pellumb Xhufi, “Epirus and Kosovo in the Historical Literature of the XV-XVII century”
Irakli Koçollari, “An era and a character that brought Albania and Albanians to the attention of Europe “
Dorian Koçi: “Grand Tour” – Journeys and English ladies in Albania”
These presentations discussed in detail the most important parts of this collection, how these books catenate to create a general overview of historical studies in Albania.