“Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Albania 1916-1918”

The National Historical Museum in cooperation with the Austrian Embassy hosts a conference and exhibition on “Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Albania 1916-1918”. The conference reminds us the years 1916-1918 (period in which Austro-Hungary administered more than half of Albania’s territory). Academics from Austria and Albania recall those events, which shaped and influenced the relationship between the two countries.

The first session of the conference was covered by: Prof. Dr. Paskal Milo on “Austro-Hungarian Policy towards Albania in 1914-1918”; Dr. Tamara Scheer on “Austro-Hungarian invasion regimes in Southeastern Europe in World War I and Albanian Issues” and Dr. Marenglen Kasmi on “The Albanian Warfare in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I”.

During the second session referred: Prof. Dr. Valentina Duka with the theme: “Austro-Hungarian invasion zone: the economic situation of Albania”; Dr. Kurt Gostentschnigg with the theme: “His Majesty against Ballhausplatz: annexation or protectorate”; and Prof. Dr. Proletarian Hasani on “Volunteer Albanian Military troops during World War I. Comparative Overview “.

The third session welcomed: Prof. dr. Dr. Beqir Meta with the theme: “Austro-Hungary’s attitude to Albanian nationalism during the Great War: -A comparative look”; Prof. As. Dr. Ledia Dushku with the theme: “Perception and Reality: Albanians and Austro-Hungarian Authorities Throughout 1916” and Dr. Ilir Kalemaj with: “Austro-Hungarian Impact in the Nation and the State – Albanian Formation in the Years 1915 – 1918”.

The fourth and last session (the first day of the conference) ended with: Dr. Enriketa Pandelejmoni (Papa) with the theme: “Franz Seiner and Population Census in Albania during the First World War 1916-1918”; Doz. Dr. Erwin A. Schmidl on the topic: “Unknown War Theater: Albania 1918” and Dr. Gentiana Kera on the theme: “Demographic aspects in the area of the Austro-Hungarian invasion during World War I”.

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