The National Historic Museum hosts two French deputies

Today, the National Historical Museum was visited by two French MPs, Liliana Tanguy, Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Member of the French-Albanian Friendship Group of the National Assembly, and Mr. Jacques Maire, Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly. They were accompanied by the Ambassador of France in Albania, Christina Vasak and Ms. Teuta Vodo, Deputy Minister of Justice. The MPs expressed their deep enthusiasm for their visit to the National Museum and expressed their appreciation about our history from prehistory to the present.

“On the occasion of this friendly and beautiful visit, I express my gratitude in the name of the National Assembly of France for the opportunity to get acquainted with Albania’s cultural and historical heritage. Part of this inheritance is loaded with wars and attempts for national liberation. It must be known to be liberated and should be seen from the future. Thank you very much to Mr. Koçi and his wonderful staff for this amazing visit of the history and culture of the Albanian people. This allows us to bring our two peoples closer to their friendship and to intensify their relations, “said Ms. Liliana Tanguy

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