Today, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the National Historical Museum and the Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje. The event took place in the National Historical Museum. Its goal will consist in organizing joint activities and publications.
In his speech Dr. Dorian Koçi said that: “It’s a great pleasure for me, that today,
in the wake of the inauguration of the exhibition “Life through memories” and the promotion of “Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje” (a book written by Skënder Asani, Albert Ramaj and Natasha Didenko), we are about to sign this MoU for the development of joint activities between the National Historical Museum and the Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje. I believe that such cultural activities will give us new challenges ahead, and will bring us closer by knowing each other better. Our cooperation will continue in the field of joint publications as well, among both institutions we represent.”
Dr. Skënder Asani, after expressing his deep gratitude to the National Historical Museum for the hospitality shown, added that: “The signing of this MoU between our institutions is an impressive event for us too. We feel honored to be part of this historic cooperation and I am sure that the National Museum’s assistance will be promissory in preserving and cultivating the cultural heritage of the Albanians in Macedonia. This collaboration will be reflected in joint publications as well. It is no coincidence that our cooperation begins within the 2nd anniversary of the sanctification of Gonxhe Bojaxhi – St. Mother Theresa, who was born in Skopje, the capital of Dardania.
In the end, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Dr. Koçi and Dr. Asani. The product of this collaboration will be the exhibition “Life through memories” and the promotion of “Albanian Catholic Families in Skopje”, a book written by Asani, Ramaj and Didenko.