Scientific session on National Cultural Heritage Day

On National Cultural Heritage Day (September 29th) the National Historical Museum organized a series of activities. In fact, European Heritage Days aim at protecting, promoting and raising public awareness of our cultural values, especially for the new generation. The title for this year was “Nature, Heritage and Education”. There are plenty of gold and silver objects in National Historical Museum’s fund: iconic covers, gospel caps, pots, communion spoons, crosses, sacred relics boxes, and so on. In this framework, it was organized a scientific session, under the logo: “The Art of Silverwork in our Country”. There were several important commentaries held at the roundtable. First, the activity was opened by Dr. Dorian Koçi, director of National Historical Museum, who referred on the subject: “Silver Objects at National Historical Museum”. Afterwards, Prof. Ass. Dr. Frederik Stamati and Mrs. Vilma Nallbani (Institute on Anthropology) referred on the topics: “Restoration of Silver Objects at National Historical Museum” and “Silverware, a traditional workmanship of cultural and artistic values of the XVII-XX centuries”. Last, there was an open debate with questions from the participants. There, the professional details were discussed for the maintenance of silver objects, now already part of National Historical Museum’s collection.

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