National Historical Museum in cooperation with General Directory of Archives organized the exhibition “Seals of the Albanian State’s Institutions”

Rare museum objects which are related to our state’s progress will be shown to the public henceforward. Their exhibition will immediately come after the signing of a memorandum collaboration between National Historical Museum and General Directory of Archives. These two institutions organized the exhibition “Seals of Albanian State’s Institutions”. At the end of the ceremony, the two respective directors Dr. Koçi and Dr. Bido signed a memorandum of sympathy and understanding.

“Inasmuch as these two institutions have in their foundation the historical memory, National Historical Museum opens the way in co-operation with General Directory of Archives not only to exhibit museum objects, but also to organize exhibitions, scientific conferences and joint publication “, said in his speech Director Dr. Dorian Koçi. According to him, the history of our state’s administration and the seals used at various times relate to key moments in our history, therefore their exposure is of particular value. The 71 stamps presented in this exhibition are part of the “Collection of Seals” Fund (No. 776).

“The State’s Archives has its staple on papers and documents, so museum objects are somehow left aside. But this mutual memorandum will make it possible that these valuable and important objects will no longer stay aside, but will be introduced to the public,” said Mr. Bido.

The exhibition is conceived in several showcases. The stamps are divided by chronological and thematic order, alternating with one another. The first showcase contains seals of the Albanian state’s initial institutions (1912-1928). The second one covers the Monarchy period (1928 – 1929). The third one presents the Fascist invasion period, (1939-1943), while the fourth showcase introduces seals from 1944 to 1976. The exhibition will remain open until October 6th.

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