New facts about Pjeter Budi through a scientific conference at the National Historical Museum.
Pjeter Budi, this outstanding figure of Albanian literature, was commemorated in the 450 anniversary of his birth. “Pjeter Budi” Albanian Literary Studies Center, in collaboration with National Historical Museum, organized a scientific conference on this occasion. Just a few days ago our president, Bujar Nishani estimated Pjeter Budi (after death) with “Scanderbeg” award.
The scientific conference “450th anniversary of Pjeter Budi’s birth” was opened by academic Gjovalin Shkurtaj, which later lectured on the role Budi gave to the Albanian literature. Then, the director of National Historical Museum Mr. Labi, talked about the honour that this institution has in hosting and organizing such a meaningful conference. “I feel fortunate to welcome the 450th anniversary of birth of this great Albanian humanist. To this figure we remain forever obligated because of his monumental works that instilled a secular outlook for our national cause. Pjeter Budi remains one of the most prominent figures of the Albanian world. He belongs to those priests and clergy that were distinguished for intense patriotic activities and also insisted that the Albanian language should inculcate in religious practice. Therefore it makes us aware that we continue to have an obligation to illuminate the deep roots of our existence. Although he lived for a few years, he had an impermeable activity. Pjeter Budi is classified as one of the biggest writers of Old Albanian literature, being an authentic and original author” said in his speech Mr. Labi.
The lectures that followed were read by prominent scholars as: Behar Gjoka, Anton Nik Berisha, Valter Memishaj, Zeqirja Neziri Merita Sauku Bruci, Dorian Koci, Tonin Çobani, etc.
Pjeter Budi, for the time he lived, was one of the most prominent figures of the Albanian world. He belongs to that clergy who was distinguished for an intense patriotic activity. He was a leader and organizer of the masses in the liberation war from Ottoman yoke, a translator and an original author in the field of Albanian literature, to protect our ethnic and cultural identity.
Budi during his service in Albanian territories was recognized with the harsh life of the population. Besides his human and pastoral character in taking care of his flock, Budi was formed and established as a seditious and rebellious man. On 1622 Budi gathered all the priests and prestbyters of Zadrima, Shkodra and Lezha in a meeting where was decided: – To not accept foreigners presbyters in Albanian lands, where apart from their religious services performed other duties as well, in the interest of their countries. Budi has left us with over 23 poems and 2,300 verses, so he can rightly be called the first initiator of the Albanian poetry. Peter Budi was born on 1566, in Guri i Bardhe. At the age of 56, on 1622 someone drowned him while crossing Drin river.