Part from the treasure of a Nation…


The icon of the Transfiguration was painted by David Selenica in the 18th century. It was brought to the National Historical Museum from St. Nicholas church in Voskopoja. Christ together with the disciples Peter, James and John went up to Mount Tabor, to pray. At Mount Tabor the disciples saw the transfiguration of Christ. The central figure of the icon is Christ, who is dressed in white and surrounded by a halo, which shows the splendor of divine light emanating from it. Alongside the figure of Christ stand prophets Elias, to the left and to the right, Moses, who holds in hands the ten orders received on Mount Sinai. During the transfiguration of Christ, the disciples fall down from the blaze of divine light.

The Icon “Transfiguration” is exhibited in the ‪#‎Pavilion_of_Icons at the ‪#‎National_Historical_Museum

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